Tuesday, October 31, 2006


NME: 04.11.06

Oi! Irish people! NME has launched a special Ireland-only edition, featuring Irish news, reviews, new band exclusives and comprehensive gig listings, alongside all the usual content of the NME. Pick up NME Ireland from all good Irish (obviously) newsagents.


In this week's NME Ireland

- Club NME is go in Dublin, and Humanzi kick off this momentous occasion by causing havoc, which may or may not have included someone breaking an ankle, signed NME Lawyers

- Peaches tears Dublin a new asshole during the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival. Plus! Fionn Regan and The Long Blondes (they're everywhere!) live.


In the other magazine this week...


-"Prangin' Out was better drugs counselling than a month in The Priory." Sex, drugs, fame and poetry! What happened when Mike Skinner met Pete Doherty


- Ooooooooooooosh! Kasabian and their 60-piece orchestra bring the (Round)house down with a stunning live show.


- The Kooks begin their US charm offensive in LA at Club NME, and Luke's back on the sauce



- "I think Gwen Stefani is a bunch of bullshit." In Their Own Words: The Gossip's Beth Ditto shows us why she's the new funk-punk heroine


- DJ Shadow - the beats innovator takes NME to the Fillmore and talks us through hyphy - the new hip-hop genre on the verge of exploding in the San Francisco Bay Area

- Kooky glam-folker Patrick Wolf spills the beans on the NME analyst's couch


- The Long Blondes (they're everywhere!) long-awaited debut album Someone To Drive You Home is reviewed


- Panic! At The Disco and Razorlight rip it up live


- -

The Worst Band Of Name Of The Week Award goes to: Death For A Day (playing at Fibbers, York on Tuesday, November 7). For information on 538 gigs (Ooooosh! Close) happening this week, turn to page 64 of the magazine


Next week: Oooooooooosh! No, we mean, 'ave it!!!!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


NME: 28.10.06

Oi! Irish people! NME has launched a special Ireland-only edition this week (October 21) featuring Irish news, reviews, new band exclusives and comprehensive gig listings, alongside all the normal contents of the NME. Pick up NME Ireland from all good Irish (obviously) newsagents.


In this week's NME Ireland

- The Hard Working Class Heroes Tour tears Dublin a new asshole


- Live: Director take Galway by storm and The Automatic come crashing back to Ireland

In the 'normal' magazine this week...


- "This record is really opening up our insides and spilling them out." NME joins The Black Parade and watches in awe as My Chemical Romance take over Britain


- Plus! NME goes to Hollywood to interview Luke from The Kooks, but ends up pissing on Woody Harrelson's toilet seat and spending the weekend partying with Courtney Love, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan



- "The Fratellis have been bullying us." It properly kicks off backstage in the O2 NME Rock'n'Roll Riot Tour between The Horrors and The Fratellis, and a bar is trashed in Cambridge


- "It's going to knock heads off." Kele Okereke talks to NME about the new Bloc Party album

- Damon Albarn debuts The Good, The Bad And The Queen material in the back room of a pub, and NME was there!


- Radar: NME hits Amsterdam with Sheffield's best new band Little Man Tate

- Crow-faced electro assassins The Knife unveil the dark side of new rave - and it's Swedish!


- She was pissed on The Charlotte Church Show and her new single Rehab is brilliant: Amy Winehouse, you've changed - and we love it!



- We slate The Magic Numbers' new album for being a bit boring and The Holloways' So This Is Great Britain is a cracker!

- This week's classic album review is Kraftwerk's The Man-machine

- The gloomy post-punk posturing is gone, Technicolor fun is here! The Rapture come alive on stage - and it makes them so much better. Plus, LA rockers The Bronx rock so hard someone's eye falls out... seriously



The Worst Band Name Of The Week Award goes to: Uk Vomit (playing at The Rhythm Factory, London on Wednesday, October 25). For information on 556 gigs (oooh, nearly beat last week's record) happening this week, go to page 64 of the magazine

- - - -

In NME next week: A corking interview between Mike Skinner and Pete Doherty. Notice we didn't say "cracking" there - grow up

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


NME: 21.10.06

Oi! Irish people! NME has launched a special Ireland-only edition this week (October 21) featuring Irish news, reviews, new band exclusives and comprehensive gig listings, alongside all the normal contents of the NME. Pick up NME Ireland from all good Irish (obviously) newsagents.



Read The Blizzards' debut album track-by-track here

In the 'normal' magazine this week


- "We don't listen to emo" Panic! At The Disco tell NME about their crazy year, including how the Reading bottler made them stronger!



- The O2 NME Rock'N'Roll Riot Tour kicks off in Leeds with The Fratellis, The Horrors, The Maccabees and The Dykeenies

- The Croaks! Luke Kooks says the tonsillitis he suffered could have changed his voice forever, after he defies doctors by refusing to have his tonsils removed


- Radar: Yet another top band explodes out of the faded seaside glamour of Southend. This time its new-pop pioneers, Switches

- OutKast's Big Boi and Andre 3000 talk to NME as they embark on yet another chapter of their pioneering hip-pop journey through music


- "Kate Moss copied my style." In Their Own Words: Peaches - she also says fuck a lot


- Jamie T tells NME which albums changed his life


- NME reviews The Ordinary Boys' first post-Celebrity Big Brother album... and no Chantelle wasn't credited with playing the triangle in the album sleeve

- Acciiiiiiiiiiiiiid! ShockWaves Presents Club NME On Tour lands in Leeds



- The Worst Band Name Of The Week award goes to: The Abominable Iron Sloth (playing at Junktion 7, Nottingham on Wednesday, October 18). For information on 574 gigs (it must be a record 'cos it's on the cover) happening this week, turn to page 64 of the magazine.


- In NME next week: we piss all over Woody Harrelson's toilet seat after going on the beers with Courtney Love and some hangers on called Paris and Lindsay Lohan

- Plus! My Chemical Romance - the second coming

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


NME: 14.10.06

In the magazine this week...

- "The Horrors suck. They've just got big hair." The Automatic tell NME about their infamous GMTV appearanc, how their monster nearly killed them and more


- Liam Gallagher joins Dirty Pretty Things during a surprise London show

- "If you get dudes who walk around Great Britain today with tight pants and big hair, shit's gonna kick off. After all their internet action Towers Of London get their own TV show!


- "It's about the vacuous nature of tabloid attention." Stop doing silly things then! Actually, don't. Babyshambles reveal their comeback EP details

- "They've got shiny bits and plastic wobbly eyes. But, you know, I'm still a man." Peter Robinson Vs Plan B

Radar: Thundercats ho! Mumm-ra - not the actual bandaged-covered monster, but this week's hot tips


- "It's like the contents of a junk shop." Mystery Jets go on a mysterious journey to a psychedelic '60s utopia - in Cambridge. They take a look around Syd Barrett's old gaff, and find some interesting trinkets

In their own words: Beck. "Wayne Coyne slagged me off in the press after we toured together." Plus, we have an exclusive track-by-track on his new album The Information


Plus, how Hot Chip became this year's dancefloor assassins

- Back in black: My Chemical Romance's new album The Black Parade is reviewed, and The Who's The Who Sell Out is this week's classic record


- Live: Silk-scarved Sheffield retro-poppers The Long Blondes begin their first headline tour, and Jay-Z makes history in the Royal Albert Hall, with a little help from his superstar friends... and Chris Martin. Plus, The Magic Numbers play an intimate comeback gig at London's Buffalo Bar



And the Worst Band Name Of The Week Award goes to: It's My Brain, Doctor (playing at Yales, Central Station, Wrexham on Saturday, October 14). For more information about 531 gigs happening this week, go to page 64 of the magazine

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


NME: 07.10.06

In the magazine this week...


- "This country needs a party." Oi, gurn-burgler! Get your dick out of the till and get your fear-daddies down to the nearest club! Klaxons have arrived... and they're teaching us Anglo-Klaxon!


- Plus! Klaxons feature on NME's free CD! Club NME Presents Dancefloor Distortion - mixed by Simian Mobile Disco



- Jay-Z makes history as the first hip-hop act to perform at The Royal Albert Hall, and he got a little help from his superstar friends Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nas... Oh yeah, and 'er indoors, Beyonce


- Ah-haaaaaaaa you mentalists! Get your canary-yellow glowsticks out! ShockWaves Presents Club NME On Tour kicks off in Norwich

- "We didn't want to make a shy album." Nope, you definitely didn't. Brandon Flowers takes us through new album Sam's Town, track by track


- Klaxons' flatmates Pull Tiger Tail are this week's Radar featured band

- "You'll never see me with my arms out because I used to be fat." Gerard Way reveals all about emo, why he bleached his hair "to look ill", and his obsession with Red Dwarf!


- Art Brut are massive in America: official... Eh?

- "I'll never stop reading NME..." That's the spirit. "...no matter how much it pains me." Oh. - What rock'n'roll has taught Manic Street Preachers' James Dean Bradfield and Nicky Wire


- "I see a jigsaw puzzle half done on the pavement. It is a mouth part of a Tiger." Yes, of course that's Maximo Park's Paul Smith. We've got the Top Ten rock-star blogs


- Albert Hammond Jr's new solo album Yours To Keep reviewed, along with Hot Club De Paris' Drop It Till It Pops


- Live: The Horrors take apart Club NME's second Birthday party - in a good way. Plus The View, and Peter Bjorn And John (without John though!).

- The Worst Band Name Of The Week Award goes to: Sharp End First (playing at the Railway Inn, Winchester on Wednesday, October 4). For more information about 523 gigs happening this week, go to page 70 of the magazine


Don't miss NME next week: The Automatic go crazy (again) and Mystery Jets have a look around Syd Barrett's old gaff

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