Tuesday, October 17, 2006


NME: 21.10.06

Oi! Irish people! NME has launched a special Ireland-only edition this week (October 21) featuring Irish news, reviews, new band exclusives and comprehensive gig listings, alongside all the normal contents of the NME. Pick up NME Ireland from all good Irish (obviously) newsagents.



Read The Blizzards' debut album track-by-track here

In the 'normal' magazine this week


- "We don't listen to emo" Panic! At The Disco tell NME about their crazy year, including how the Reading bottler made them stronger!



- The O2 NME Rock'N'Roll Riot Tour kicks off in Leeds with The Fratellis, The Horrors, The Maccabees and The Dykeenies

- The Croaks! Luke Kooks says the tonsillitis he suffered could have changed his voice forever, after he defies doctors by refusing to have his tonsils removed


- Radar: Yet another top band explodes out of the faded seaside glamour of Southend. This time its new-pop pioneers, Switches

- OutKast's Big Boi and Andre 3000 talk to NME as they embark on yet another chapter of their pioneering hip-pop journey through music


- "Kate Moss copied my style." In Their Own Words: Peaches - she also says fuck a lot


- Jamie T tells NME which albums changed his life


- NME reviews The Ordinary Boys' first post-Celebrity Big Brother album... and no Chantelle wasn't credited with playing the triangle in the album sleeve

- Acciiiiiiiiiiiiiid! ShockWaves Presents Club NME On Tour lands in Leeds



- The Worst Band Name Of The Week award goes to: The Abominable Iron Sloth (playing at Junktion 7, Nottingham on Wednesday, October 18). For information on 574 gigs (it must be a record 'cos it's on the cover) happening this week, turn to page 64 of the magazine.


- In NME next week: we piss all over Woody Harrelson's toilet seat after going on the beers with Courtney Love and some hangers on called Paris and Lindsay Lohan

- Plus! My Chemical Romance - the second coming

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