Tuesday, October 03, 2006


NME: 07.10.06

In the magazine this week...


- "This country needs a party." Oi, gurn-burgler! Get your dick out of the till and get your fear-daddies down to the nearest club! Klaxons have arrived... and they're teaching us Anglo-Klaxon!


- Plus! Klaxons feature on NME's free CD! Club NME Presents Dancefloor Distortion - mixed by Simian Mobile Disco



- Jay-Z makes history as the first hip-hop act to perform at The Royal Albert Hall, and he got a little help from his superstar friends Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nas... Oh yeah, and 'er indoors, Beyonce


- Ah-haaaaaaaa you mentalists! Get your canary-yellow glowsticks out! ShockWaves Presents Club NME On Tour kicks off in Norwich

- "We didn't want to make a shy album." Nope, you definitely didn't. Brandon Flowers takes us through new album Sam's Town, track by track


- Klaxons' flatmates Pull Tiger Tail are this week's Radar featured band

- "You'll never see me with my arms out because I used to be fat." Gerard Way reveals all about emo, why he bleached his hair "to look ill", and his obsession with Red Dwarf!


- Art Brut are massive in America: official... Eh?

- "I'll never stop reading NME..." That's the spirit. "...no matter how much it pains me." Oh. - What rock'n'roll has taught Manic Street Preachers' James Dean Bradfield and Nicky Wire


- "I see a jigsaw puzzle half done on the pavement. It is a mouth part of a Tiger." Yes, of course that's Maximo Park's Paul Smith. We've got the Top Ten rock-star blogs


- Albert Hammond Jr's new solo album Yours To Keep reviewed, along with Hot Club De Paris' Drop It Till It Pops


- Live: The Horrors take apart Club NME's second Birthday party - in a good way. Plus The View, and Peter Bjorn And John (without John though!).

- The Worst Band Name Of The Week Award goes to: Sharp End First (playing at the Railway Inn, Winchester on Wednesday, October 4). For more information about 523 gigs happening this week, go to page 70 of the magazine


Don't miss NME next week: The Automatic go crazy (again) and Mystery Jets have a look around Syd Barrett's old gaff

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