Tuesday, October 31, 2006


NME: 04.11.06

Oi! Irish people! NME has launched a special Ireland-only edition, featuring Irish news, reviews, new band exclusives and comprehensive gig listings, alongside all the usual content of the NME. Pick up NME Ireland from all good Irish (obviously) newsagents.


In this week's NME Ireland

- Club NME is go in Dublin, and Humanzi kick off this momentous occasion by causing havoc, which may or may not have included someone breaking an ankle, signed NME Lawyers

- Peaches tears Dublin a new asshole during the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival. Plus! Fionn Regan and The Long Blondes (they're everywhere!) live.


In the other magazine this week...


-"Prangin' Out was better drugs counselling than a month in The Priory." Sex, drugs, fame and poetry! What happened when Mike Skinner met Pete Doherty


- Ooooooooooooosh! Kasabian and their 60-piece orchestra bring the (Round)house down with a stunning live show.


- The Kooks begin their US charm offensive in LA at Club NME, and Luke's back on the sauce



- "I think Gwen Stefani is a bunch of bullshit." In Their Own Words: The Gossip's Beth Ditto shows us why she's the new funk-punk heroine


- DJ Shadow - the beats innovator takes NME to the Fillmore and talks us through hyphy - the new hip-hop genre on the verge of exploding in the San Francisco Bay Area

- Kooky glam-folker Patrick Wolf spills the beans on the NME analyst's couch


- The Long Blondes (they're everywhere!) long-awaited debut album Someone To Drive You Home is reviewed


- Panic! At The Disco and Razorlight rip it up live


- -

The Worst Band Of Name Of The Week Award goes to: Death For A Day (playing at Fibbers, York on Tuesday, November 7). For information on 538 gigs (Ooooosh! Close) happening this week, turn to page 64 of the magazine


Next week: Oooooooooosh! No, we mean, 'ave it!!!!


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