Tuesday, August 29, 2006


NME: 02. 09. 06

In this week's Carling Weekend Reading and Leeds festivals review special!

24 ace pages from the rock 'n' roll event of the year


- Muse's Supermassive triumph!

- Franz Ferdinand's drumming extravaganza!


- Slayer's bloody mosh pit!

- Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Karen O dressed like a Sexosaurus!

- The Klaxons cause a new rave riot!

- Syd Barrett reviews the Mystery Jets and loads loads loads more!

- Where were you? See if you can find yourself on our FREE Reading and Leeds Aerial Posters


Kasabian give us a track by track guide to their new album Empire

- The second coming or the apocalypse*? The Rapture's new album 'Pieces Of The People We Love' gets reviewed


- Peter Robinson Vs The Young Knives

*Neither it's only a bloody record. Who the hell writes this shit?

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